Tuesday, 30 March 2010


How?How i gonna say?
Words cant express how i feel.

 nothing to write.
Words betul betul cannot express how i feel now.
all i wanna ask is..
HE loves ME??
tats all.

nite nite.

Monday, 29 March 2010

yeah..my dear carol is back.

today early in d mornin..
go to visit my nenek moyang's tomb.
quite a long time din go lu.

there was so hot.
i even took an umbrella n wear a cap.
*my dad ask me to do so..><"

after visit tomb..we went to my uncle's hse.
talked alot..
then went to eat lunch,after lunch..
talked lagi
x habis-habis tat kind.

my hp was run out of battery.
i thought i charged my phone,"celaka",yesterdy forgot to switch the plug.
i used to bring my camera without memory card inside.
geng lea~

nite nite.
thx for viewin my blog.

Sunday, 28 March 2010



朋 友,不是她太贱,只是她舍不得~

女人故意在你面前提到别的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一 下你,让你多在乎她一点 ~

女人不主动打电话、发信息给你,不是不想你,是她不够自信, 你接到电话、短信时,是否也同样的想念她 ~

如果女人不爱你,是不会对你发脾气的,不要报怨自己的女朋友 脾气太怪,女人只对她爱的人发脾气~

女人不是不知道你还有别的女人,她选择独自伤心却不揭穿你, 是害怕揭穿后给了你一个离开她的借口~

女人总是在你面前假装很开心,不是她没心没肺,成天傻乐,只 是为了在你面前留下最美的样子~


1 她总是问:你在哪呢? 你现在在干吗?
(她很想念你,只是想跟你说说话,你不给她发信息,她很矛 盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你.换了别人,爱干嘛干嘛, 她不关心.所以请你一有时间就问候她一下,让她放心,让 她知道你心里有她,她不会烦你.她总是主动联系你,她会觉得 她贱.)

2 她说:我不开心了,我好烦.
(不要怪她无理取闹,更不能觉得她在烦你,她不是真的不开 心,她只是想你了.只是想要你会来安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖, 别闹了,听话!)

3 她说:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意……
(不要嫌她烦.因为她知道你不傻,甚至是很聪明的.她只想让 你知道她心里有你,她很想关心你)

4 她总说自己又长胖了或者长得不够漂亮.
(不要觉得她是在自卑或嫉妒别人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不够 完美.她已经在为你改变了.)

5 她总说她想要帮你,要你有什么事一定要告诉她.
(其实她知道她帮不了你什么,她只想让你知道你还有她,她永 远在会你身边陪你,会一直的支持你,)

6 她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气,发小脾气.
(别说她小气,不信任你,她其实是在吃醋,这表示她十分在乎 你.即使心里难受也会自己安慰自己.)

7 无论做什么她总会征求你的意见.

8 不管在哪里她总是紧紧的和你站在一起.

9 她爱忧伤,总是会多想.

10 她假装生气转身离开.

11 她会突然冷淡你,或是向你撒娇.

12 也许有一天她会跟你说分手.
(其实,这个时候她已经喜欢你好久,只是不确定这份感情是 不是对的.她只是要你的安全感,你的舍不得,你的不要走 啊……)

Friday, 26 March 2010


 Look at this beautiful..charmin girl.
she is gorgeous like hell rite?!
i kinda like her so much.
then i start google bout her.

My godd.
she did plastic surgery ..no wonder so perfect lar.

but i stil like her la.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

wow..u r the man!
tis guy really turn me on.
handsome dao~~~~kan?kan?kan?
the body shape..the muscle..
muscleman...i like^^
tis pic may b is kinda old alr kot?
found it in my lappie..

tis is the 2nd time i share half-naked man's pic in my blog.

aikz..i wish he is my man~
juz kiddin.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Hmm..bcuz of overslp..
i din go to schl today.


tmr got gotong royong~
Argh..Wat da heck!
in essay,or exam..we write gotong royong bagus larh..apa larh
i don like gotong royong though`


so,wanna ponteng ke tak?
this question keep on poppin up in my head

lazy bum always ponteng 1..

aikz..so wan or don wan jek?!

Friday, 19 March 2010


a really BIG THANK U 
to Dr.KOK

the Ophthalmologist.
tQ so much.
about 2 yrs ago,my eye(*&#(*&$W#(
*hard to explain..so just skip it.
we went to malacca hospital,the doctor said he never meet tis kinda case.
so ,we chg to DR.KOK,in isec,Kay Elle.
then operated on my eye.

the only pic i found so far.

this uncle hor is a weirdo.his hair,his clothes.everythg weird.
then tat day go to check up.
and he said:
EXCELLENT!if nothing,no need to check up nmore.


yea..cepat cepat congratz me ~
but i gt a kinda "se bu te" him.
so next time,if go kl,i wana ask him for yamcha.
cehh~cakap saje la.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

In my dreams,you're mine.
In my life,you're a dream.


my Godd..
we got the same dream?

get a ShocKed,when i noe that we got the same 
how come?!

fulfil my DREAM.my DREAM fulfil.

holidays are suckx.
nearly cant breathe,u noe?
screw u


last night ~~wooo~~ i stuck it in the wrong hole..


Saturday, 13 March 2010


Today,early morning in school.
there was an assembly..
everyone should assemble in the hall.

but we stayed in the class.
switched off the light and we hid under the teacher's desk.
is it ponteng?haha..
we used to do this last year,and this is the 2nd time.
vry excitin 1..
haha..bcoz teachers will stand at the corridor right in fron the class.

holidays again.

may b wil go sg wif friends^^

that day,i mean 2 days b4 lar..
the last year spm candidates,got their result.

time flies.
and its goin to be MY TURN.

when that comes to my turn,
im pretty sure,that every1 wil get their result and walk into their career.

then,1st may b wil meet each other sometimes..
then..few years..
may be startin forget each other's name.
may be knowin each other by gossipin with others.
kinda keep in touch larh.

then somebody get married..

when the wrinkles around eyes,face ..
and we miss the time when we were in the school!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Pn.Zawahir asked us to hand in the latihan bahasa 2.
And we have to finish our peribahasa by finding its meanin.

Senarai Peribahasa dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Melayu Tingkatan 4 & 5

1 Bagai aur dengan tebing
Maksud : Saling tolong-menolong.

2 Bak cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan
Maksud : Terlalu banyak pada sesuatu masa.

3 Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu,
bersenang-senang kemudian
Maksud : Bersusah payah terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kesenangan di kemudian hari.

4 Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing
Maksud : Bersama-sama menghadapi atau mengerjakan sesuatu.

5 Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh
Maksud : Kalau kita bersatu padu kita akan menjadi kuat , tetapi kalau kita bercerai-cerai kita akan lemah

6 Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat
Maksud : Adat yang tidak boleh dilanggar.

7 Bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni
Maksud : Perhubungan yang sangat akrab, senang susah bersama.

8 Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat kata kerana muafakat
Maksud : Kata sepakat yang dicapai dalam mesyuarat.

9 Darah daging
Maksud : Anak dan saudara-mara dari keturunan sendiri.

10 Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan
Maksud : Kalau ada cita-cita atau azam yang kuat , kejayaan pasti tercapai juga

11 Di mana bumi dipijak, di situIah langit dijunjung
Maksud : Menurut adat atau peraturan di tempat yang kita diami atau tinggal.

12 Duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi
Maksud : Sama setaraf

13 Hati gajah sama dilapah, hati kuman sama dicecah
Maksud : Pengagihan yang sama banyak.

14 Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, Iebih baik di negeri sendiri
Maksud : Walau bagaimanapun kelebihan di negara orang, tetap negeri sendiri lebih baik lagi.

15 Ibarat telur sesangkak, pecah sebiji pecah semua
Maksud : Orang yang semuafakat, sehidup semati, dan tidak berubah kesetiaannya.

16 Jauh perjalanan luas pengalaman
Maksud : Banyak pengalaman.

17 Jika hendak melentur buluh, biarlah dari rebungnya
Maksud : Mendidik anak biarlah semasa mereka kecil lagi.

18 Kacang lupakan kulit
Maksud : Orang yang melupakan asalnya atau orang yang pernah menolongnya setelah mendapat kesenangan.

19 Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunya
Maksud : Tak akan tercapai maksudnya kalau tak mahu berusaha dan bersusah payah

20 Lintah darat
Maksud : Peniaga yang mengambil keuntungan yang terlalu tinggi.

21 Masuk ke kandang kambing mengembek, masuk ke kandang kerbau menguak
Maksud : Menyesuaikan diri dengan tempat dan keadaan

22 Memerah otak
Maksud : Belajar bersungguh-sungguh.

23 Mencari jalan
Maksud : Berikhtiar menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara.

24 Peluang keemasan
Maksud : Peluang yang tidak boleh disia-siakan

25 Pemuda harapan bangsa, pemudi tiang negara
Maksud :

26 Rajin dan usaha tangga kejayaan
Maksud : Rajin berusaha akan membawa kejayaan

27 Sediakan payung sebelum hujan
Maksud : Berjaga-jaga sebelum ketibaan sesuatu bencana.

28 Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit
Maksud : Sabar mengerjakan sesuatu lama-lama berhasil juga.

29 Seperti lembu dicucuk hidung
Maksud : Orang bodoh yang selalu menurut kemahuan orang

30 Tak lapuk dek hujan dan tak lekang dek panas
Maksud : Adat atau sesuatu yang tidak berubah, tetap utuh.

31 Yang bulat tidak datang menggolek, yang pipih tidak datang melayang
Maksud : Sesuatu benda tidak akan datang tanpa usaha

32 Yang kurik itu kundi, yang merah itu saga, yang baik itu budi, yang indah itu bahasa
Maksud : Rupa yang elok sahaja, tidak disertakan budi bahasa akan tetap menjadi hina di kalangan masyarakat

since i got tis..zap zap woter lar.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Leo Leardership Camp 2010 was finally at an end.

i got da kinda homesick when i was in the camp.
I miss my bed,my room,my house and everything in my hse.

Last friday,i attended a malay's marriage.
Lmao..tis is the 1st time.
photos?go to my fb n check it out`

then saturday n sunday..Leo camp.
the weather.the toilet.the room(classroom).the everything.
Were suck!totally suck!
the 1st day,i went to chee hui hse to bath.
right after the bath,i got in a performance.
And i was sweaty..AGAIN!!
it was like a sauna .

i was thinkin not to attend the camp.
Because my parents were goin to sg.
and they asked me not to go the camp.
but i noe,if i tell her,she will go mad~
so i decided to attend the camp,lastly!

aikz..never mind.
i enjoy myself also larh.

i will upload the vid of the drama,that i performed as a WITCH sooner o later.
so,just wait for it ^^


Saturday, 6 March 2010

Leo Camp 2010

Yes,i mean later..

hav to go to SRJK Jagoh .
sounds jagong horrr..=P
for da LEO camp.

2 days camp..
so i hav to post somethg b4 i goin to the camp..

n thr wil b a drama,n im da witch~

okay lar,hav to go.



Thursday, 4 March 2010

Strange N Unusual

walaooo a.
the only i can say is [Walaooo A].

wednesday,ttn at ms.lee.
then,yesterday was wednesday lorh,of coz we all going to ttn lar.
then,the MS.LEE horrr..
dunno wad happen lea,may b her eyes Q(*#&#..
No larr,just kiddin ..okay?
she said im the tallest in the ttn class.

i dunno whether i got perasann anot lea..
she was findin the tallest girl in the ttn class`
n that time she was lookin at me,but she called "Waii Nie".
thn i pura-pura turned to look back lorh.
when i turned my head Back,everybody were lookin at me pulakk.
My Godd..they must be laughin at me!
BcoZ im not the tallest A!!
im taller than chee hui n carol,though``

After ttn,as i waitin for my parents to come.
A boy,one of the students in the class lar..
he asked me a very weird question.
Hey,u don rmb me ahh?
then i said "huh?!"*i dun even noe who is he.
nehh,tat day ur mum ask me whether me f5 ahh?
don rmb??

my godd..of coz i was curious and i tried to get the answer larh~
cehhh,he got the wrong person ..=.=

Walao aaa..
is truly strange n unusual lorh.
okay larh,hav to sleep early.
tmr nid to go JAGOH,for the drama' rehearsal.
Drama for the LEO CAMP.
btw,im da witch in the drama...


Monday, 1 March 2010

Today,start ttn at Mr Terry Yap.
Haha..still the same.
We laughed so hard when gossipin.


I was sleepy gila.
I was almost fell asleep in my dad's car.
Then,i fell asleep on livin room's sofa.Again.

tat time was 5 sumthg. 6:15 i got another ttn class,actually.
But i skipped it.

as i wake up,i found that my eye was itchy.
That kind of mosquito bite lar..
i went to bath ,and found my eye was so terrible lea.
my eye was swelled.@@

dunno wad to do

my eyes are 1 big n 1 small.



gud nite world,fck that goddamn HOT weather!
